God wants you to take a next step by giving generously.
When we give generously, it displays the heart of God who gave his only Son (John 3:16). As we become more like Christ, we will grow in our generosity. Everyone has a next step to take in generosity and we want to help you identify that next step
This type of giver is someone who decides to give for the first time. This is someone who believe in the Church’s mission and is ready to take a first step in their generosity journey.
A relative giver decides to give based on how they spend money in other areas of their life. They ask questions like, “Why am I giving more money to my cell phone company than I am to God?” As a result, they will begin giving on a recurring basis.
When your relationship with God impacts your financial decisions, you are a relational giver. A relational giver is some who begins to make CHANGES that COST them something in their lifestyle so that they can tithe (giving 10% of your income) to God’s work.
A radical giver makes decisions in the short term that have longer term effects as it relates to their generosity capacity. They think of what home they buy, what car they purchase, how much savings they choose to keep, all in relation to their generosity capacity. A radical giver is no longer asking the question, “God, how much are you asking me to give?” but rather, “God, how much are you asking me to keep?”
Other Ways to Give
Text Message
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Text “DAILYCHURCHCC” to 833-245-6249
In Service
Giving envelopes are available at the information desk.
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Our mailing address is:
22333 King Rd
Woodhaven, MI 48183